Wednesday, May 28, 2014

When my grandfathers left

. . remembering my late grandfathers , all of a sudden ,
I have a thought , I have a burden .
The roots date back to an year , when I had two pieces of news ,
A week after the other , I lost my grandfather duos .
It was shocking , heart breaking , and sorrow for ofcourse ,
Many felt the same , a few held it for long , while a few for those hours .
It was difficult to make out , whether we are at a funeral ,
Or was it just any ceremony , people making day outs .
They were singing sorrows though , they were right the next moment ,
They did talk of worthless , than about the greatest dent .
I wonder , where at that moment I was , 
I wondered , are these the right people I am with ?
For the same , I have a thought of my own ,
I have a thought for my grave and funeral .

O ! People , some selfish , some real ,
Do come to my funeral with happy faces , be jovial .
Pretend not , have no formalities as well ,
Do come , the way you want , show not false feelings .
Cry for me , if the tears are holy , make not any foul of them ,
Take out a ‘lil time for me , but not the un-wanting blame .
I need not flowers , ceremonies , but for formalities ,
I need my loved ones and only that care , around the gone me .
Send me with peace , hold down those faces ,
Raise them the very next day , with pride and respect .
But , give that day for me , do not as you did ,
On the day , my grandfather went .

- Bharath R Rao

Monday, May 26, 2014

The lovely prayer

Let me smooth through my dreams , let me fly high ,
Keep me within my limits , lock me grounded beneath .

Let me see the bits and bytes of pieces , let me see the chaos ,
Allow me solve the puzzle , under my will and your attention .

I choose to be under your wisdom , I choose to live for you ,
You allow me to choose my wants , you keep me near you .

I promise to behave , I promise to be the best , and ,
If not , I never quit trying the same , O ! Mighty .

I 'll wake-up , live and sleep in your name , let me devote ,
I 'll do everything I would , for the best bargain , your love .

I am an amateur for now , I am growing with days ,
I want to the wise , growing with seconds every day .

Let me breathe in the lovely figure , that I saw never ,
Let me feel the power , I have been wishing to .

Keep me , close to you , closer to your vision ,
Let me stare you , let me devote myself in your heaven

- Bharath R Rao

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Time ago

. . . . time ago , there was a time another ,
For his good deeds , was cursed together ,
No matter what he did , how good he was ,
Was brought down , with no valid clause .
Days passed , the sun rose , and did set ,
He kept ignoring things , as if never happened ,
Water crossed overhead , things went too far ,
Was accused/accursed again of nothing he did .
Boycott was the only option he had , to be safe at ,
He did , for months , he had in written ,
It was quite a joy then , and perhaps the best peace ,
He felt on a day specific , to forgive the bitten .
He did set up things , to be same as never before ,
Things went good , but not better , was indeed an effort ,
He still was at no blame but for speaking less ,
The blame was , that he was treating less .
And , now there is this another day ,
The ugliest of joy has made a return ,
A declined proposal meets a declined request ,
A proposal clashes against a helpless necessity .
This was till it was , patience too has an ending ,
If its time for a payback , he can be wilder than any demon ,
Bound by humanity , bound by values , he chooses to stay mum ,
All for a reason , that he loves his peace more than the curse .

- Bharath R Rao

Admant Cement

. . even the hardest of stone goes smooth with time , by the river ,
Of what cement are thou ? What material is so blunt ?
I may think to break a diamond , so lovely ,
But an adamant cement , near to ugly .
Of all what surprises is the die hard , pride in it ,
” I wont budge down , I would show up real things then “ ,
” I wont agree to it , because I was rejected “ ,
Revenge is a momentary delight , lesson is for life .
Better to learn soon , you are nearing end , 
Better to reprimand , than to end in valley of regrets ,
Slightest of anything so far , may hit you hard ,
I worry , may make things around you harsh .
God ! Have pity , show mercy ,
If you set things right , to peace , 
If you set things , a ‘lil far ,
If you could do that , small thing for me
- Bharath R Rao

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Adreno Dream , a poem

I stand arms opened , with curiosity ,
I hope to find that charm soon , and I enter the city ,
It speaks of magic and illusion , within ,
It says not no to any one willing to head in .
Amidst , all the money oriented relief , there exists ,
Another city , you may want to visit ,
There resides a mountain of dreams , and valley beneath ,
The sailing palace , with no one a King .
I welcome you on this exile , come join me ,
I have not yet found the illusive kingdom of dreams ,
I never dreamt of them either , never ever ,
Then how come I reached here ? What am I heading to have ?
I know not , what it all is , how is it all ?
I know not , how it began ? how will it end ?
I call it rush , from within , the holy adrenaline ,
That asks me [to] do it , and I be the ready made puppet for it .
Being so , does not snatch the freedom I hold ,
I be puppet in limit , I be in my senses , with strings ,
I feel what is being done , I feel what am I doing ,
I fail to know , what is adrenaline .
A sudden gush of stormy hope , runs into my veins ,
Asks me search the palace , even in my immortal state ,
I begin , I head ahead , I am about to reach , I see the sunrise ,
I open my eyes , and then , it was just a dream .
- Bharath  R Rao

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Secret of Secrets

I am tired , going into those books , 
I am tired , reading for a reason .
I would rather get up , fly down the aisle , 
Move into the fresh air , smell in the innocent nature .
Is there a way out of this prison ? 
Is there any time , the door opens ? Will I need a special permission ?
I am finding the way out , since ages ,
I have gone through teen , and now in my twenties .
They told me not to lose , the rest hope I have along ,
Is the only reason , I am still on my way to search for .
I see, this isn’t that easy , for things never come this free ,
If they do , they wont rejoice , in a long run spree .
I wish there be an encounter with the Mighty King , someday ,
I wish he asks me , what I need for the remaining days .
The secret of secrets be revealed , the door be opened for me at least (I would say ) ,
Let me enter in , play me good as if I am puppet .
Let me , see and feel , the wanting ,
Let me infuse in the serene wisdom present .
If I fail on my way , do take care of everyone associated ,
If I win , keep me grounded , O ! Almighty .
This is all , I request you .
- Bharath R Rao

Friday, May 16, 2014

Sleep that sleep

If you sleep that sleep , you never wished to sleep ,
You lie that sleep , lying next to that sleep .
If you sleep with a need to sleep , you always wished to ,
You are the only honest then , lying with the one you deserve to .
The best of world , the best of luxuries ,
The priceless return and opportunities , is that only sleep .
I would love sleep that sleep next to thee ,
Share the lovely dark and divine , next to me .
Would , you let me , pull you into this ?
Or should take it a yes in advance , preparing your return .
I ever wished , to sleep in peace , out of these wordily world ,
With her of course , who would wish the same indeed .
Be it , next to my grave , or next to anywhere in silence ,
I would want that peace , I would want to live that peace .
- Bharath R Rao , finding sleep

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Unknown relation

. . . and there is this guy , I see , few times after few years ,
A man with a mark of intelligence , class talks , 
Sheer genius , sharp in words , and high on anger ,
There is this thing in him or is it just I feel ? 
I grew up seeing him , the way he portrayed himself ,
I find him good at times , I tell that to myself ,
He is good at giveaways , time and morals ,
He lacks at few places , that I disrepute ,
He lacks at places , I am found ,
There is this thing in him or is it just I feel ? 
Perhaps a relative , hence I respect ,
Perhaps , a closer relative to my closest , hence I respect even more ,
Perhaps , am the one he ignores the most , hence I keep respecting for that too ,
I see him smile that smile for one , I feel outcast ,
I see him be in front , and see none of me and mine around ,
There is this thing in him or is it just I feel ?
At times , I found a way to make things better ,
I came ahead , to talk a few things good ,
He did , he did very well , but for just that moment in a well ,
10 minutes later , we were nothing but strangers ,
I have been bleeding this hurt , I am bleeding it with smile ,
I least bother now , I worry  not much about ,
For I have people , who are more to me ,
There is this thing in him or is it just I feel ?
I am happy over one thing , and only that thing ,He may ignore my presence , he may dislike me ,He loves more the one , I love as well ,And , that loves me more , than anyone else ,There is this guy , I cannot ignore ,There is him , I respect and least adore ,I still doubt that one thing ,There is this thing in him or is it just I feel ? 
- Bharath R Rao

Monday, May 12, 2014

That Tiny Feet

I feel like tickling them , photographed this at a public park in Roopnagar , Punjab :)
The babies are ever so cute :)

Wait , for that day

I keep waiting for a day , that will come the other day ,
An year passes by , I wait again ,
And , when it comes , I want it again ,
I wait to see , that lovely face , that lovely smile ,
Could you feel the same , a day an year ?
What is so compelling about the day ? when there are so many a year ?
Are there many birthdays , you take birth on ?
Are there many Christmas you celebrate a year ?
Are there many first kisses and hugs , after the very first ?
Did I hear no ! Yes , I feel so . I did . I did .
But the day , is special for a common man like me , 

I get to see her and happiest me in it ,
The king and the princess , love to be just ‘em then ,
The summer mornings , the autumn evenings ,
The lovely snuggles , the passionate speeches ,
The speechless love , the best of everything .
I keep waiting for a day , that will come the other day ,
I keep not waiting just like that ,
I wait for , I feel to , you may feel it too ,
Live for someone , live for you and others ,
Be a little selfless , experience giveaways , experience love ,
Wait for someone , feel special , make ‘em realize it too .
The Nigerian mothers wait for their girls ,
Can any wait be any longer than this ?
Do we have an answer ? 
All they have for them is this hash tag and a hope they live and are waiting for !

- Bharath R Rao ,understanding wait